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interest only mortgages

The mortgage market is very competitive and there are new deals available all the time. It is likely that your biggest monthly outgoing is your mortgage and by finding a better deal you could save hundreds and possibly thousands of pounds.

With an interests only mortgage the amount you pay each month will never reduce the capital of the mortgage. This means at the end of the term the amount you borrowed will remind the same as the day you took it out. An interest only mortgage can suits some clients that have a repayment vehicle in place to repay the capital at the end of the term I.e endowment, pensions ISA, investments or even a buy to let property portfolio. 


Although borrowing in this way does come with certain conditions from the lenders, Elm Tree Financial Services will be able to review your personal financial situation and make a recommendation based upon this. 


with every mortgage we arrange, our recommendation is completely bespoke and take into account your personal circumstances. We know that know client is the same and the advice we recommend reflects that. 



Call today for your free consultation with a mortgage adviser on 


If time is of the essence then please help our advisers to help you by ensuring you have all of the information on our pre-appointment checklist readily available and have completed our income, expenditure & Data couture form. By filling this in before the meeting will ensure we can move faster with your application.

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any debt secured upon it. 

A fee of £299 is payable on application. We will also be paid commission from the lender.

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